Becoming a SAPCReN Member

SAPCReN is a network of primary care clinicians, professionals, and researchers that contribute to and/or use data generated in real world community-based settings to inform practice or answer questions relevant to primary care. Whether you’re interested in developing your own study, examining your practice, or contributing to the work of others, SAPCReN is a great way to get involved in primary care research.

SAPCReN can assist its members with proposal development, applications for research funding, development and implementation of research protocols, and analysis and dissemination of findings. SAPCReN members also have access to specialized methodological support through the Departments of Family Medicine at the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta.

SAPCReN members may be eligible for participation in the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN), the first pan-Canadian primary care electronic medical record (EMR) repository. CPCSSN collects de-identified data from multiple EMR systems of a representative sample of family physicians or nurse practitioners and their patients. Participating clinicians received routine, detailed reports of their panel and clinic data, designed to support monitoring or evaluation of their practice.

An annual meeting for SAPCReN members is held each year in Calgary, Alberta. These meetings are designed to facilitate collaboration and networking with other members, as well as discussions about current project, member ideas for future projects, and updates from other primary care research networks in the province.

If you are interested in joining SAPCReN, please visit the contact us section of this website.

Guidance for Studies Involving SAPCReN Data or Resources

If you are interested in obtaining the CPCSSN-SAPCReN data or would like to request support or collaboration from SAPCReN, please