Using the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN) Database to Measure Patient Outcomes for Graduates of the University of Calgary Family Medicine Residency Program: A Pilot Study
Keith Wycliffe-Jones, Kathleen Moncrieff, Neil Drummond, Marta Shaw, Stephanie Garies
Stephanie Garies at
Analysis in Progress
It is difficult to measure the effectiveness of residency training programs in producing competent and safe physicians. Hence, very little research has been done to evaluate physician outcomes in the context of residency training programs. Using existing data on patient clinical outcomes from primary care settings may be useful for education quality improvement and program evaluation. This will be particularly important in program accreditation as family medicine residency programs move towards competency-based medical education and accreditation moves to a more outcomes-based focus.
This study will assess differences in select patient clinical outcomes between family doctors in Alberta who graduated from the University of Calgary (UC) family medicine (FM) residency program and those who graduated from non-UC FM programs in order to identify significant differences that may be a result of the UC FM residency curriculum. The feasibility of using patient outcomes to evaluate medical residency programs will also be discussed.
De-identified patient data from the Canadian Primary Care Sentinel Surveillance Network (CPCSSN) will be used for family physicians consenting to this project. Physician characteristics include where and when residency was completed, current practice location in Alberta, and practice / community size. Between-group comparisons will be made for location of residency program (UC or other) and clinical patient outcomes.